CANCELLED – Wednesday, March 5, Mills Norrie Point SP


Leaders: Ken & Carol Fredericks (845-452-7619). Meet at the Education Center parking lot (Staatsburg) at 9:00am.

Club walks will be open to all club members and the public.  If you plan to attend our walks regularly and are not a member, please consider joining to support our organization and its activities.  As a courtesy, contact the leader so they know you plan to attend. Be on the lookout for our MailChimp emails (to members) announcing any cancellations due to weather or other circumstances.  Cancellations are also announced on our website.  For general questions about Field Trips, please contact Ernie Welch (email or Barbara Michelin (845-242-2301).

Field Trip starting times change throughout the year. In general, 8:30am for the month of April, 8:00am for May and June, 7:30am for July and August, 8:30am for September and October, and 9:00am for November through March. Dress for the weather and bring snack and beverage.

For more information and directions to most of our birding locations, see our Where to Bird page. Additional information on some Field Trip locations is included in the online 3rd edition of Where to Bird in Dutchess County, a 2016 update of the second edition (now out of print).

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