Good Birds: An Historical Photo Archive
Lincoln’s Sparrow – © 2019 Anthony Macchiarola
This section includes photos of historical significance for the bird records of Dutchess County. Many of the early photos of first county records (or second or third when that’s the first photographed), and some first breeding records are here. Many photos are mentioned in the Birds of Dutchess County, New York. Included are the ones we have been able to locate. Other images of notable events in the county bird history are also here.
Only some of the photos are here now. Others will be added shortly.
All RBA birds are interesting at the time of the alert, but not all of them are really rarities. Some sightings are rarities when they occur but later become interesting only from a historical perspective (the 1953 sighting of the county’s second Tufted Titmouse since 1929, for example). NYSARC, the New York State Avian Records Committee, was established in 1977 but welcomes report submissions at any time regardless of the actual sighting date. Thus “old” sightings may be submitted at a later date.
For more information on NYSARC, see the NYS Ornithological Association website.