Rare Bird Alerts

Cackling Goose – Stringham Park © Maha Katnani
PEEPS! Rare Bird Alert System
Rare Bird Alerts are intended to alert interested birders of sightings of rare or notable birds (“good birds”) in our area. In January 2015 a new system of electronic alerts — called PEEPS! — was created to allow any member to both report and receive notable bird sightings via email or text. Learn more about PEEPS and how to sign up by clicking here. Keep reading below for more ways to report and hear about sightings.
Reporting a Rare or Notable Bird
If you see what you believe to be a “rare bird” for our region, contact Alan Peterson, Rare Bird Coordinator, as soon as possible via email (rba1@watermanbirdclub.org) or phone (available in Wings over Dutchess or on the members list).
- You can now also use our Online Rare Bird Report Form
In addition to the name of the bird, date, and location, it is important to note details about the bird: size, shape, color, plumage, other identifying details (field marks), as well as anything notable about the bird’s behavior. If the bird is located where it can safely be seen by others without causing harm or undue stress to the bird, an alert can be sent to other RTWBC members so that they can see the bird as well.
To add your sighting to our county bird records,
- send an email to records1@watermanbirdclub.org;
- or you can enter your sightings into eBird, the global bird sightings database coordinated by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology.
- Some rare birds should also be reported to the New York State Avian Records Committee (NYSARC). Check if your bird sighting should be reported to NYSARC: http://www.nybirds.org/NYSARC/NYSARClist.htm
MidHudsonBirds provides a forum for the reporting and dissemination of wild bird observations in the Ulster, Dutchess, Greene, and Columbia County areas of New York State, including the Catskill and Shawangunk Mountains. Related natural history observations within this geographical area, and relevant posts from outside of this area are also welcome. To join, or to learn more, visit MidHudsonBirds@groups.io
New York State
NYSbirds-L is an email list focused on the discussion of birds and birding in and around New York State. The primary purpose of the List is to disseminate information about wild bird sightings in and around New York State in a timely manner and to provide an effective electronic forum for New York State area birders. Questions and limited discussion on topics such as bird behavior, identification, conservation, and distribution, especially as these subjects relate to wild birds in and around New York State, are welcomed and encouraged. The list is not for the discussion of pet birds. To join, or to learn more, visit www.northeastbirding.com/NYSbirdsWELCOME.htm
eBird is an online database of bird observations providing scientists, researchers, and amateur naturalists with real-time data about bird distribution and abundance. Anyone with internet access or smartphone can enter and maintain their own bird checklists and the observations of each participant join those of others in an international network. As a participant in eBird, you can set up email notifications for “Rare Bird Alerts” with your own parameters, by county, counties, USA. For how-to information, see ebird.org/about