Key to Notation

Cooper’s Hawk © Ray Mansell

In the monthly report, the following notation is used:
 number seen / date(s) seen followed by location and observer’s initials. 
For example:
3/6,15 Bowdoin ZZ indicates that observer ZZ saw 3 birds of this species on the 6th and 15th of the month in Bowdoin Park.
1-4/all Feeders Pok. XX indicates that observer XX had 1-4 birds of this species at feeders all month.


ad = adultHRA = Hudson River AlmanacPokJnl = Poughkeepsie Journal
all = all monthHVRT = Harlem Valley Rail Trail (Amenia to Millerton)pr = pair
AT =Appalachian TrailIES = Institute of Ecosystem Studies (previously called Cary Arboretum)PVly = Pleasant Valley
BBtrail (or BBT or BBtr) = Bluebird Trailimm = immatureriver = Hudson River
beg mth = beginning of monthincl = includingProp = Property
CBC = Christmas Bird CountIs = IslandRbeck = Rhinebeck
Cem = Cemeteryldg = landingRHGC = Red Hook Golf Club
cgts = cygnetsLHVBA = Lower Hudson Valley Bird AlertRockefeller Fld St. = Rockefeller Field Station
CIES = Cary Institute of Ecosystem StudiesLk =lakeROM = Red Oaks Mill
Ck = CreekMHB = Mid-Hudson BirdsROVA = Roosevelt / Vanderbilt / Valkill
CNG = Clinton Nature Gardenmo = all monthRST = Riverside Trail
Cp = CampMtn = MountainBeacon
CT = Class Tripnr = nearRsv =Reserve
DLC = Dutchess Land Conservancynstg = nestingRUFS = Rockefeller University Field Station
end = end of monthNuclearL = Nuclear LakeSDRT = Southern Dutchess Rail Trail
f = femaleocc = occasionalsev = several
fders = feedersp = pondsm = small
FDR HS = FDR High SchoolPawl = Pawlingsp = species unknown
FDRNHS - FDR National Historic Site (Hyde Park)Pd = PondTofC = Town of Clinton
fldlg = fledglingPk =ParkToS = Town of Stanford
fm = farmPlns = PlainsTpk = Turnpike
FOS = first of seasonPlVal = Pleasant ValleyTSF = Southlands Farm
freq = frequentlyplts = poultsw = with
FT = Field TripPNR - Pawling Nature ReserveWapp. (or Wapps) = Wappingers
GC = golf coursePoÕquag = PoughquagWFC = Waterfowl Count
gslgs = goslingsPoJo = Poughkeepsie JournalWMA = Wildlife Management Area
h = heardPok = Poughkeepsieyd = yard
HAS = Housatonic Audubon SocietyPokC = Poughkeepsie Cityyg = young