How to Submit Monthly Records

Northern Flicker – ©Ray Mansell

Enter your bird sightings into eBird, and they will be included in the monthly records. If you don’t do eBird, then keep notes of what you see in your yard and around the county. At the end of the month, fire up your computer (or get a blank sheet of paper) and list only the species you’re reporting in the order used on the current field checklist. Use ONE entry for each species, even if you have multiple sightings for that species. Follow each species name with the sighting information, using the same format we use in the Monthly Records section of our website and Wings Over Dutchess.

Species name:  quantity#1/date#1  location#1  details#1, (if appropriate…  quantity#2/date#2 location#2 details#2, etc.)  your-initials.

Include details for unusual sightings (e.g. early or late dates or unusual species). Note that the month is not included in the date, since each report will always cover a single month. For example, 2/15 means 2 birds on the 15th of whichever month is being reported. Here are some examples using the preferred format:

CANADA GOOSE: 200/2-3,5,15-30 Abel’s Pond ice out on the 15th ZZ     (this means 200 were seen on the 2nd, 3rd, 5th, and from the 15th through the 30th by ZZ)

HOODED MERGANSER: 2/15 Sylvan Lake, 4/20 Abel’s Pond ZZ     (this means 2 were seen on the 15th at Sylvan Lake and 4 on the 20th at Abel’s Pond by ZZ)

RED-TAILED HAWK: seeing several every time I’m out ZZ

MOURNING DOVE: 10 all month yd LaGrange ZZ

EASTERN BLUEBIRD: 4-6/10-31 yd LaGrange near nest boxes ZZ    (this means between 4 and 6 bluebirds were seen from the 10th through the 31st by ZZ)

FOX SPARROW: 2/10 yd LaGrange at feeder (These were rustier and larger than the Song Sparrows. They hopped and scratched the ground with both feet at the same time.) ZZ     (in this example, extra details are provided to show how this unusual bird was identified).

We keep records for Dutchess County only. By convention, anything you can see and identify that’s in or flying over the Hudson River, while you’re standing on the eastern shore in Dutchess County, is countable.

To Make the Compiler’s Job Easier, Please Do Three Things:

  1. On your report, include the month being reported and your name, address, and phone number.
  2. List the birds in the latest field checklist order, listing each species only once.
  3. By the 5th of the month following the one you’re reporting on, send your report via email to or via US Mail to the compiler listed in the latest issue of Wings.