Rusty Blackbird
Contributor(s): Deb Tracy-Kral
Location: Millbrook NY
12.5.24 The Rusty blackbird is a high priority “species of greatest conservation need” in New York State. It is considered rare or threatened in the east, and is uncommon in New York as a breeder, only occurring in the Adirondack Mountains. In Duchess County during spring migration you can often hear their unique squeaky-hinge vocalizations around wetland area. “In winter, male Rusty Blackbirds are recognized by their rusty feather edges, pale yellow eye and buffy eyebrow. Females are gray-brown; they also have rusty feather edges, pale eyes and a bold eyebrow, contrasting with darker feathers right around the eye. Breeding males are dark glossy black. (source: allaboutbirds). Background birds in photo: a Common Grackle and Brown-headed Cowbirds.
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