Reporting Banded Birds

American Kestrel (female) photographed by Carena Pooth
Back in February, I was driving along Rte. 55 in Union Vale, NY when I spotted this American Kestrel perched on a small tree. I pulled off the road and started taking pictures. Since the bird had a wing tag, I wanted to get a photo to send to the Bird Banding Lab. I needed the tag to show well enough for them to figure out who had banded it and notify them that the bird had been found. When the kestrel flew, the metal leg band showed in my photo, but not well enough to be read — so all they could go on was that yellow tag with the black “8” on it. Well, that 8 was good enough! I was happy to receive a certificate from the BBL that says the bird was a female banded in New Jersey (70 miles away) on 6/19/15, before it could even fly. Submitted by Carena Pooth
For more information on Bird Banding visit:
To report a banded bird:
Deb Tracy-Kral
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