Red Phalarope – Hunn’s Lake, Stanfordville NY 10.23.2016
Date: 10.23.16Contributor(s): Carena Pooth, Herb Thompson
Location: Hunn's Lake, Stanfordville
A Red Phalarope was discovered by Carena Pooth and Herb Thompson foraging along the eastern shore of Hunn’s Lake on 10.23.16 and was subsequently seen by many others: Adrienne Popko, Ken and Curt McDermott, Bruce Nott, Chet Vincent, Maha Katnani, Liz Jamison, Deb Tracy-Kral, Matthew Rymkiewicz, John Askildsen, Susan Joseph, Claudius Feger and Babara Mansell. The bird was not found the next day.
Red Phalaropes breed in the high Arctic and are usually coastal migrants to their wintering grounds at sea. There are only 3 other county records: 2006 at Strever Farm Road, 2011 at Greig’s Farm, Red Hook and 2014 along the Harlem Valley Rail Trail north of Sharon Station.
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