

CONNECTICUT WARBLER – Nuclear Lake 9/17/13 @ 11 am

Details: Excerpted from a forwarded email from Gary Zylkuski received at 1:30pm - "...See more.

Prothonotary Warbler – Bowdoin Park – Kelly Lane Loop Trail

Details: Ken Harris reports that a Prothonotary Warbler was seen late yesterday along the ...See more.

Chestnut-sided Warbler

Date: 8.18.2013Contributor(s): Deborah Tracy-Kral

Location: Stanfordville, NY

Details: A juvenile Chestnut-sided Warbler was observed flitting through a small wild cherry. According ...See more.

Marsh Wren – Buttercup West

Contributor(s): Maha Katnani

Location: Buttercup West

Details: The Marsh Wren is a small, secretive wren with rufous wings and tail ...See more.

Indigo Bunting

Date: 07.29.2013Contributor(s): Deborah Tracy-Kral

Location: Buttercup East

Details: See more.

Harris’s Sparrow

Date: January 15 - May 6, 1968Contributor(s): J.E. Sweeney

Location: Dover Plains

Details: Harris's Sparrows have been found three times in Dutchess County. The first was ...See more.