Winter Robins

Reprinted with the permission of Rich Guthrie:

“It’s always nice to see Robins, no matter when. But, seeing them now isn’t all that unusual these days. A few Robins (actually lots and lots of Robins) stay in our area over winter. Some of our Christmas Bird Counts, held in December or early January have tallied several thousand Robins.

 Other companions with Robin flocks may include Cedar Waxwings, Northern Flickers, an occasional Hermit Thrush, and, in a few years, even Bohemian Waxwings.
They do like old fruit, especially apples, crab apples, Red Cedar berries and sumac berries this time of year. The fruit seems to be preferred after it has been frozen, then thawed out. I think the freeze/thaw process breaks down the sugars in the fruits, making them more palatable and energy available this time of year. That’s what keeps these birds going when there aren’t many earthworms available for them. And, that’s why planting good native fruit bushes is a good idea for the birds.”
Rich Guthrie
New Baltimore, New York
Cedar Waxwings
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Yellow-rumped Warbler

Yellow-rumped Warbler



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